The internet has seen a lot of innovations in social networks and web search. But email, which is the most widely used and oldest form of internet communication is still essentially the same. Mailbin was born out of my accumulated frustrations, over many years, with the inefficiencies of current email usage and workflow.

If I used another application for bug tracking, I still needed to use email to get notifications and updates. So, now I have to open and read my email notification, then log on to the other application to get more details or make updates. This is repeated each time any change is made.

My other gripe is email overload - having to spend a lot of time reading through a large number of useless emails to get to the small number of really important ones. And more importantly, having to read through a two page email just to get at the few important points.

Also it was a pain to keep everything organized and in sync - emails, documents and information from other applications. I was constantly copying and creating folders and documents to try to keep everything in sync.


I use email for everything - work, communicating with friends and family. I use it for sharing, organizing, planning, managing projects - everything. I have tried using apps for specific tasks like organizing events, but the constant switching between email and the app was too annoying and I eventually stopped using the apps.

Email is used universally and all the time. Being the hub for all communications, all web applications require an email id. I wanted to make email a productivity tool, not a distraction. It is time for the next generation of email - email 2.0, an intelligent email - Mailbin.


  • Mailbin should be as flexible and easy to use as current email.
  • Mailbin should be more structured and information-rich than current email. Currently, an email has just three fields: subject (text), body (text) and attachments. Mailbin should let you define structured data types. For example: you should be able to define a customer support request as: customer name (text), customer phone (phone), issue (text) and priority (low, medium, high).
  • Mailbin should be more intelligent than simple word based and sender based filtering. When I was hiring a UI designer, I was flooded with emails from applicants. I needed an automatic filter that would filter out the unqualified applicants and allow me to view the relevant qualifications of all the qualified applicants on a single page.

Thanks for reading our story. Please share your experiences with us and let us know how we can make email work better for you.

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